10 Inspiring Career-Related Quotes from Black Panther

My father has a funny way of starting a conversation. He often asks me what are my top five favorites of this or that subject. Lately, he asked me about my favorite movies. I’ve had a few staples for a while, such as the Age of Adeline, The Lord of the Ring Trilogy, and The Color Purple, but this year I would be remiss if I did not proudly demote one of my selections to add the sensation, “Black Panther” to the list.

It was too fire. Like many of you, I went to see it four times in the movie theatres, and I bought it as soon as I saw it on sale at Target. I watched it at home two or three times since. Every time, I get this sense of overwhelming happiness that I can’t quite put into words. As a result, I was broken hearted of course when T’Challa was among one of the fallen heroes in the latest Avengers: Infinity War. I was so distraught that I could not even make it to my car to leave. I sat outside on the steps of the movie theatre perplexed by how the glory of Wakanda could end so soon. Yet, a little investigation gave me the inside scoop that the reveal of Marvel Studios’ latest she-roe, Captain Marvel is suspected to bring back our fallen heroes.  The Captain Marvel trailer dropped a couple of week ago and is heading to theatres March 2019. With Captain Marvel’s saving graces, a Black Panther sequel could be right around the corner in a couple years. Make an ‘X’ with your arms if you’re excited.

Though there are quite a few things that touch me about the masterpiece of Black Panther, one of the favorite things I like about the movie is the quotes. I think there are a number of quotes in the movie that relate to careers and finding your purpose that will inspire you:

“Show him who you are!”

When M’Baku challenged Ta’Challa to the thown, T’Challa wanted to make this a simple fight that would end quickly. M’Baku, however meant business and dismissed playground semantics that left T’Challa bamboozled. Then, T’Challa’s mother needed to let him know he had to go full force if he was going to when this fight and fulfill his destiny as king. This is a reminder that people will challenge you as you pursue your purpose and career. Don’t think it’s going to be an easy road; don’t underestimate their hunger. You need to put your foot down and show people what you got. Don’t hold back. Go hard!

“You’re going to struggle, so you will need to surround yourself with people you trust. You’re a good man, with a good heart. And it’s hard for a good man to be king.”

T’Chaka knew his son T’Challa wanted to do right by others as king, but a day would come when T’Challa would need to make decisions that would require others to be hurt. This highlights that kindness is a sign of weakness to some people. The universe works for those who do good, but sometimes hard decisions will need to be made that will require some to get removed or hurt. The right decisions will not always feel good. As a result, it is important to surround yourself with people that support you when you find yourself on the crossroads of a tough decision. Their love and understand will help you feel better once the decision is made, but you must make it.

“I can’t be happy here knowing there are people out there who have nothing.”

Nakia was called to serve others, but this conflicted with her love life. Her experience lets us know, particularly women, that when you have a true calling, it’s not going to let go of you. There are people that may want you to take the path of least resistant. They may be trying to protect you, or it may be their own need to keep you close to them. Furthermore, your purpose may challenge traditional cultural values or gender roles. Your calling is bigger than any relationship or societal norms. You must set your own expectations for happiness and fulfillment and stick to them.

“You let the refugees in, they bring their problems with them.”

T’Challa was so moved by Nakia’s passion for foreign service that he spoke to his friend W’Kabi about considering her perspective. W’Kabi held the traditional Wakandan view. This quote may rub certain people the wrong way, but it’s important on any issue to understand the other side’s perspective. This allows important dialogue that is essential to see the issue from all sides, which in turn develops a more holistic solution, rather than an idealistic one.  T’Challa had two friends very important to him that believed opposite views of the issue. Though he initially agreed with one view, the philanthropic one remained on his conscience, and the negative circumstances he endured later in the movie spoke to his heart. He ultimately decided to protect Wakanda from outsiders, but develop outreach efforts. He found a middle ground on the issue, one that gave him peace. When you can find the balance of two perspectives of an issue, it can lead to better solutions for all.


Zuri wanted to maintain the secret from T’Chaka’s reign, but T’Challa was forced to put his foot down to affirm the respect he deserved in his role as the new leader. T’Challa’s assertiveness encourages us to realize we may need to remind others of our position. This is your time to reign. You are uniquely you. You may come into a position when someone did this or that. That’s over now. Change is progress. It’s not your duty to live up to anyone. It’s your duty to do right by what your calling is, and those with alternate expectations will need to conform or move on.

“You can’t let your father’s mistakes define who you are. You get to decide what kind of king you want to be.”

Finding out his family drama perpetuated by his father’s decision was very disappointing to T’Challa. He idolized his father’s leadership, but later was forced to deal with his father’s mistakes once T’Challa became king. This quote is similar to the previous, but more salient for some of us living in the shadow of our parents, their expectations, or even their mistakes. It only takes one generation to change the course of a family line. If you consciously make an effort to do the right thing, no matter what your parents or caregivers have done in the past, you have already made an impact. You’ve changed history. Change starts at home.

“I am not king of the whole world. I am king of Wakanda.”

Killmonger’s grief and bitterness made him feel Wakanda had a responsibility to not only save all Blacks around the world, but to avenge their injustice as well. This was not the Wakanda way, nor did it align with T’Challa’s values. He held his priorities about who he was and who he served in his position. There are people that you work with that may expect you to do everything for everybody. There’s only so much that one person can do at any given time. Own your own stuff. You can’t change everything. You are assigned to a specific thing at a specific time. If you spread yourself too thin, then you’ll accomplish less than if you focus on your strengths or assignment. Feel good about your own values and expertise, and protect your time and energy from work politics.

“What are you loyal to?”

“I save my country”

Okoye felt a deep responsibility to her position as General to Wakanda. She respected Nakia’s desire to save the royal family, but she was disturbed Nakia would challenge tradition to overthrow Killmonger’s right to the throne. In contrast, Nakia felt the danger of Killmonger’s views and leadership style. She knew his commitment to vengeance was too great a risk to conform to not just for Wakanda, but the whole world. Solely protecting the royal family’s safety and her own would only last for so long. The dispute between these two women shows us that there may come a time when one must make a decision that forces us to disagree with close friends for the good of all. Don’t let bad blood between your coworkers, relatives, or loved ones prevent you from following your convictions.  One must do what one feels right in one’s heart. Universal safety is bigger than loyalty. People instinctively fear change and some struggle with the big picture initially. Once Okoye saw the bigger picture, she came around, and it turns out, she was the one to stop the fight the battle between them and Killmonger’s supporters.

 “Stay. I think I know a way you can still fulfill your calling. Please stay”

Finding a partner that believes in your calling makes it all the more sweet. Though T’Challa did not understand Nakia’s commitment to her calling in the beginning, he not only came around, but he wanted to work together. His support helped Nakia fulfill her purpose on a larger scale, as she always envisioned. Additionally, T’Challa was able to acknowledge Nakia’s wisdom as a woman and partner. She was too good a woman to pass up. What they went through and a shared vision brought them closer. The right partner will support your purpose, because the person will want you to be happy and value the gifts you have to give to the world and what you bring to the relationship. It’s important in the long term that both partners’ are supportive of one another’s individuality and dreams. Find someone that wants to make it work, so that both win. That’s a true power couple – growing together, changing the world.

 “More connects us than separates us… In times of crisis, the wise build bridges, the foolish build barriers.”

T’Challa let the United Nations know at the end of the movie that Wakanda would finally be willing to share resources for the greater good of humanity. There’s a lot of injustice and disparity going on in our world right now. You may want to hide and protect yourself from the choas, but trouble may find you, because we’re all connected. Sometimes this tragedy shops up in the world of work, such as discrimination and harassment. It’s easy to take sides, but we’re better together. World problems require world solutions. The best change is shared. Peace and harmony will prevail when we acknowledge we all have something to contribute. Let’s make well-being contagious today so the next generation will feel safe and healthy tomorrow.


I’ll admit it: I’m obsessed with Black Panther. It illustrates so many gems. So many things resonated on a personal level. The cinematography was magnificent. The music was lit. Yet, the messages about career and finding your purpose particularly touched me. I think I’ll watch it again. Right now. #WakandaForever.

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